
Publication information Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA;


    1. Age: 40
    2. Chaworth, Maud de
    1. Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers
    2. Marriage, Family of Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers and Ufford, Margaret De
    3. Ufford, Margaret De
    1. Birth, Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers
    2. Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers
    1. Beaumont, Margaret De
    2. Death, Beaumont, Margaret De
    1. Birth, Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster
    2. Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster
    1. Chaworth, Maud de
    1. Age: 45
    2. Quincy, Robert De
    1. Tudor, Margaret
    2. Age at Death: 51
    1. Marriage, Family of Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron and Beaumont, Margaret de
    2. Beaumont, Margaret de
    3. Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron
    1. Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron
    1. Galloway, Helen de
    1. Wheeler, John
    2. Birth, Wheeler, John
    1. Birth, Joinville, Alix de
    2. Joinville, Alix de
    1. Plantagenet, Joan of Lancaster
    1. Birth, Plantagenet, Joan of Lancaster
    2. Plantagenet, Joan of Lancaster
    1. Norwich, Margaret de
    2. Birth, Norwich, Margaret de
    1. Age: 80
    2. Wheeler, John
    1. Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers
    2. Death, Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers
    1. Marriage, Family of Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron and Beaumont, Margaret de
    2. Beaumont, Margaret de
    3. Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron
    1. Ufford, Margaret De
    1. Age: 54
    2. Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
    1. Stewart, James IV King of Scotland
    2. Age: 41
    1. Meschines, Hawise Kevelioc De
    1. Zouche, Roger La
    1. Norwich, Margaret de
    1. Beaumont, Margaret de
    1. Birth, Ufford, Robert De 1st Earl of Suffolk
    2. Ufford, Robert De 1st Earl of Suffolk
    1. Birth, Quincy, Robert De
    2. Quincy, Robert De
    1. Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster
    1. Birth, Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron
    2. Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron
    1. Plantagenet, John Lord Beaufort
    1. Zouche, Alan de la
    1. Quincy, Helen De
    1. Tudor, Margaret
    1. Birth, Galloway, Helen de
    2. Galloway, Helen de
    1. Quincy, Robert De
    1. Ufford, Robert De 1st Earl of Suffolk
    1. Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers
    1. Stewart, James IV King of Scotland
    1. Zouche, Alan de la
    2. Birth, Zouche, Alan de la
    1. Zouche, Alan de la
    2. Quincy, Helen De
    3. Marriage, Family of Zouche, Alan de la and Quincy, Helen De
    1. Age: 90
    2. Quincy, Roger de
    1. Birth, Chaworth, Maud de
    2. Chaworth, Maud de
    1. Age: 64
    2. Quincy, Sayer de IV Magna Carta Baron
    1. Death, Zouche, Roger La
    2. Zouche, Roger La
    1. Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England
    1. Wheeler, George
    2. Death, Wheeler, George
    1. Birth, Quincy, Helen De
    2. Quincy, Helen De
    1. Beaumont, Margaret de
    2. Birth, Beaumont, Margaret de
    1. Ufford, Margaret De
    2. Death, Ufford, Margaret De
    1. Joinville, Alix de
    1. Wheeler, George
    1. Zouche, Alan de la
    2. Age: 65
    1. Birth, Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England
    2. Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England
    1. Age: 37
    2. Plantagenet, Joan of Lancaster
    1. Marriage, Family of Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster and Chaworth, Maud de
    2. Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster
    3. Chaworth, Maud de
    1. Death, Ufford, Robert De 1st Earl of Suffolk
    2. Ufford, Robert De 1st Earl of Suffolk
    1. Quincy, Roger de
    1. Birth, Stewart, James IV King of Scotland
    2. Stewart, James IV King of Scotland
    1. Age: 82
    2. Quincy, Helen De
    1. Meschines, Hawise Kevelioc De
    2. Birth, Meschines, Hawise Kevelioc De
    1. Death, Beaumont, Margaret de
    2. Beaumont, Margaret de
    1. Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
    1. Birth, Zouche, Roger La
    2. Zouche, Roger La
    1. Wheeler, John
    1. Death, Plantagenet, John Lord Beaufort
    2. Plantagenet, John Lord Beaufort
    1. Birth, Beaumont, Margaret De
    2. Beaumont, Margaret De
    1. Age: 64
    2. Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster
    1. Beaumont, Margaret De
    1. Zouche, Alan de la
    2. Quincy, Helen De
    3. Marriage, Family of Zouche, Alan de la and Quincy, Helen De
    1. Birth, Ufford, Margaret De
    2. Ufford, Margaret De
    1. Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers
    2. Marriage, Family of Ferrers, William Groby De Lord Ferrers and Ufford, Margaret De
    3. Ufford, Margaret De
    1. Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England
    2. Age: 51
    1. Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
    2. Birth, Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
    1. Death, Norwich, Margaret de
    2. Norwich, Margaret de
    1. Plantagenet, John Lord Beaufort
    2. Birth, Plantagenet, John Lord Beaufort
    1. Marriage, Family of Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster and Chaworth, Maud de
    2. Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster
    3. Chaworth, Maud de
    1. Birth, Quincy, Roger de
    2. Quincy, Roger de
    1. Age: 63
    2. Meschines, Hawise Kevelioc De
    1. Birth, Wheeler, George
    2. Wheeler, George
    1. Tudor, Margaret
    2. Birth, Tudor, Margaret