Illinois, County Marriages, 1800-1940

Publication information Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 2016;


    1. Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
    1. Marriage, Family of Van Note, Jefferson and Carter, Mary Melissa
    2. Carter, Mary Melissa
    3. Van Note, Jefferson
    1. Butler, Irene
    1. King, William Butler
    1. Summers, Martha Jane
    1. Angelo, Julia Ann
    1. Brayfield, Florida Ludica
    2. Stevens, John A.
    3. Marriage, Family of Stevens, John A. and Brayfield, Florida Ludica
    1. Masters, Robert S.
    1. Birth, Butler, Irene
    2. Butler, Irene
    1. Marriage, Family of Smith, Eynon and King, Elizabeth Jane
    2. King, Elizabeth Jane
    3. Smith, Eynon
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    2. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    1. Cain, Thomas Benjamin
    1. Fly, Benjamin Franklin
    1. Jones, Nancy Jane
    2. Abbott, Charles Orlen
    3. Marriage, Family of Abbott, Charles Orlen and Jones, Nancy Jane
    1. Marriage, Family of King, Thomas Jefferson and Majors, Mary Frances
    2. Majors, Mary Frances
    3. King, Thomas Jefferson
    1. Van Note, Jefferson
    1. Vaughn, Mary Matilda
    1. Marriage, Family of King, Thomas Jefferson and Majors, Mary Frances
    2. Majors, Mary Frances
    3. King, Thomas Jefferson
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    2. Marriage, Family of Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr. and Collins, Rachel
    3. Collins, Rachel
    1. Pence, Emanuel
    1. Carter, Mary Melissa
    1. Jones, Wiley
    1. Milligan, Nellie Elizabeth
    2. Marriage, Family of Dennis, George Henry and Milligan, Nellie Elizabeth
    3. Dennis, George Henry
    1. Marriage, Family of Van Note, Jefferson and Carter, Mary Melissa
    2. Carter, Mary Melissa
    3. Van Note, Jefferson
    1. Walker, Margaret B.
    1. Collins, Rachel
    1. Elledge, Sarah Jane
    1. Birth, Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
    2. Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
    1. Milligan, Nellie Elizabeth
    2. Marriage, Family of Dennis, George Henry and Milligan, Nellie Elizabeth
    3. Dennis, George Henry
    1. Sturgis, Arcadia Cordelia
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    2. Marriage, Family of Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr. and Collins, Rachel
    3. Collins, Rachel
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    1. Collins, Rachel
    2. Birth, Collins, Rachel
    1. Dennis, George Henry
    1. Ferguson, Francis Marion
    1. Lawson, Mary
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    1. Collins, Rachel
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    2. Marriage, Family of Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr. and Collins, Rachel
    3. Collins, Rachel
    1. Birth, Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
    2. Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
    1. Stevens, John A.
    1. Collins, Rachel
    2. Birth, Collins, Rachel
    1. Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
    1. Allen, Nancy
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    2. Marriage, Family of Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr. and Collins, Rachel
    3. Collins, Rachel
    1. Mitchell, Samuel Daniel
    1. King, Robert
    2. Marriage, Family of King, Robert and Summers, Martha Jane
    3. Summers, Martha Jane
    1. Birth, Dennis, George Henry
    2. Dennis, George Henry
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    1. Jackson, Susannah
    1. Marriage, Family of King, William Butler and Loper, Mary Eliza
    2. King, William Butler
    3. Loper, Mary Eliza
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    2. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    1. Butler, Floyd Henry
    1. Smith, Eynon
    1. Lansden, Martha Elizabeth
    1. Milligan, Nellie Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Milligan, Nellie Elizabeth
    1. King, Thomas Jefferson
    1. Brayfield, Florida Ludica
    1. White, Alice F.
    1. Butler, Martha Ellen
    1. King, Robert
    2. Marriage, Family of King, Robert and Summers, Martha Jane
    3. Summers, Martha Jane
    1. Chaney, William Sampson
    1. Majors, Mary Frances
    1. Marriage, Family of King, William Butler and Loper, Mary Eliza
    2. King, William Butler
    3. Loper, Mary Eliza
    1. Lewis, John
    1. Lansden, Martha Elizabeth
    1. Lemon, Hiram Horace
    1. Butler, William Alexander
    1. King, Elizabeth Jane
    1. Coffman, Mary Ann
    1. Milligan, Nellie Elizabeth
    1. Brayfield, Florida Ludica
    2. Stevens, John A.
    3. Marriage, Family of Stevens, John A. and Brayfield, Florida Ludica
    1. Jones, Nancy Jane
    2. Abbott, Charles Orlen
    3. Marriage, Family of Abbott, Charles Orlen and Jones, Nancy Jane
    1. Tummons, Mary Jane
    1. Jones, Nancy Jane
    1. Lewis, John
    2. Elledge, Sarah Jane
    3. Marriage, Family of Lewis, John and Elledge, Sarah Jane
    1. Lewis, John
    2. Elledge, Sarah Jane
    3. Marriage, Family of Lewis, John and Elledge, Sarah Jane
    1. Wright, Hannah Anne
    1. Marriage, Family of Smith, Eynon and King, Elizabeth Jane
    2. King, Elizabeth Jane
    3. Smith, Eynon
    1. Collins, Rachel
    1. Jackson, Susannah
    2. Marriage, Family of Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr. and Jackson, Susannah
    3. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    1. Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
    1. Jackson, Susannah
    2. Marriage, Family of Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr. and Jackson, Susannah
    3. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    1. Masters, Robert S.
    2. Walker, Margaret B.
    3. Marriage, Family of Masters, Robert S. and Walker, Margaret B.
    1. Sturgis, John Richardson
    1. Loper, Mary Eliza
    1. Abbott, Charles Orlen
    1. Masters, Robert S.
    2. Walker, Margaret B.
    3. Marriage, Family of Masters, Robert S. and Walker, Margaret B.
    1. Lewallen, Anderson Johnson
    1. Chambliss, Mary Rutledge
    1. King, Robert
    1. Mitchell, Samuel Daniel
    1. Bowman, James E.