Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941

Publication information Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.Original data - Works Progress Administration, comp. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research, comp. Electronic ;


  1. Orange County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1826-1920 Inclusive Volum, Original Record Location County Clerk's Office, Pa; Book: C-13; Page: 115
    1. Phillips, Ethel Clora
  2. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Gifford, James W.
  3. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3A; Page: 70
    1. Brewer, Thomas
  4. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Marriage, Family of Holmes, Henry and Lindley, Hannah
    2. Lindley, Hannah
    3. Holmes, Henry
  5. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Cravens, Uriah
  6. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Gifford, John
    2. Iles, Priscilla
    3. Marriage, Family of Gifford, John and Iles, Priscilla
  7. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 4; Page: 1
    1. Gates, Mary Jane
    2. Marriage, Family of Forgey, Thomas Crawford and Gates, Mary Jane
    3. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  8. Childre, Phebe married Cravens, Uriah on 18 Jul 1833 in Boone County, Indiana; Indiana
    Boone County
    1. Childre, Phebe
  9. Title: Steuben County, Indiana, Marriage Records Book A No. 1 - 6 1837 - 1899, Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County 1969; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Ewers, Eugene E.
  10. Allen County, Indiana; Marriage Records 1921-1925 Vol. II G - K, Original Record Located: Allen County Fort Wayne H
    1. Hammel, Elmer
    2. Birth, Hammel, Elmer
  11. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316561 - 1316562
    1. Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
  12. Gifford, James W. married Groves, Rebecca on 15 Nov 1824 in Rush County, Indiana; Indiana
    Rush County
    1. Gifford, James W.
  13. Orange County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1826-1920 Inclusive Volum, Original Record Location County Clerk's Office, Pa; Book: C-13; Page: 115
    1. Wininger, Albert Dennis
  14. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Templeton, Dovey Amanda
    2. Marriage, Family of Justice, Harvey and Templeton, Dovey Amanda
    3. Justice, Harvey
  15. Title: Steuben County, Indiana, Marriage Records Book A No. 1 - 6 1837 - 1899, Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County 1969; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Rodabaugh, Phoebe Anna
    2. Marriage, Family of Ewers, Eugene E. and Rodabaugh, Phoebe Anna
    3. Ewers, Eugene E.
  16. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Bodine, William E.
  17. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Hobbs, Lucretia
  18. Book: County Court Records in Martinsville, IN
    1. Claypool, David Jr.
  19. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 6; Page: 267
    1. Davis, Clara Etta
  20. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Brown, Isaac
  21. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0469763
    1. Manlove, Malinda G.
  22. Title: Steuben County, Indiana, Marriage Records Book A No. 1 - 6 1837 - 1899, Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County 1969; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Marriage, Family of Rodebaugh, William Tracy and Burch, Jennie T.
    2. Rodebaugh, William Tracy
    3. Burch, Jennie T.
  23. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Carr, Catharine
  24. Gifford, James W. married Groves, Rebecca on 15 Nov 1824 in Rush County, Indiana; Indiana
    Rush County
    1. Marriage, Family of Gifford, James W. and Groves, Rebecca
    2. Groves, Rebecca
    3. Gifford, James W.
  25. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1266801
    1. Michael, Hannah
    2. Forgey, William Alexander
    3. Marriage, Family of Forgey, William Alexander and Michael, Hannah
  26. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3; Page: 230
    1. Pence, Emanuel
    2. Marriage, Family of Pence, Emanuel and Coffman, Mary Ann
    3. Coffman, Mary Ann
  27. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Marriage, Family of Jackson, Henry and Miles, Elizabeth
    2. Jackson, Henry
    3. Miles, Elizabeth
  28. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Bodine, Richard Oliver
  29. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0469763
    1. Manlove, Malinda G.
    2. Gifford, Solomon Ward
    3. Marriage, Family of Gifford, Solomon Ward and Manlove, Malinda G.
  30. Orange County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1826-1920 Inclusive Volum, Original Record Location County Clerk's Office, Pa; Book: C-13; Page: 115
    1. Phillips, Ethel Clora
    2. Birth, Phillips, Ethel Clora
  31. Clark County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1905-1920 Inclusive Volum, W. P. A. Original Records Located County Clerks Of; Book: 14 Mar 1887; Page: 7
    1. Graham, Robert Harvey
    2. Knorpp, Rosa
    3. Marriage, Family of Graham, Robert Harvey and Knorpp, Rosa
  32. Title: Pulaski County, Indiana, Index to Supplemental Records Marriage Transcript, W. P. A. Original Record Located: State Dep't. of; Book: H-4; Page: 2.
    1. Farnsley, Rachel B.
  33. Greene Co, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1821-1920 [Lacking 1828-1, W. P. A; Book: J; Page: 246
    1. Johnson, Armentha Ann
  34. Book: County Court Records in Martinsville, IN
    1. Marriage, Family of Claypool, David Jr. and Rooker, Nancy
    2. Rooker, Nancy
    3. Claypool, David Jr.
  35. Davis, Wesley married Lamb, Polly on 14 Dec 1826 in Lawrence County, Indiana; Indiana
    Lawrence County
    1. Marriage, Family of Davis, John Wesley and Lamb, Mary "Polly"
    2. Davis, John Wesley
    3. Lamb, Mary "Polly"
  36. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1317624 item 3 & 1317625
    1. Marriage, Family of Davis, John Wesley and Lamb, Mary "Polly"
    2. Davis, John Wesley
    3. Lamb, Mary "Polly"
  37. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Childre, Phebe
  38. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 1; Page: 425
    1. Scott, Samuel
  39. Book: County Court Records in Martinsville, IN
    1. Marriage, Family of Claypool, David Jr. and Rooker, Nancy
    2. Rooker, Nancy
    3. Claypool, David Jr.
  40. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 4; Page: 155
    1. McCann, James Homer
  41. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316952 & 1436077
    1. Crow, Hannah
  42. Marion County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1916 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind; Book: 90; Page: 500
    1. Greer, Harry Roscoe
  43. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 4; Page: 87
    1. Chaney, John Rauson
    2. Marriage, Family of Chaney, John Rauson
  44. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890.
    1. Jackson, Joshua C.
  45. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890.
    1. Henry, Jane
  46. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 4; Page: 448
    1. Sutton, Ransom Platt
  47. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Marriage, Family of Gifford, James W. and Groves, Rebecca
    2. Groves, Rebecca
    3. Gifford, James W.
  48. Book: 3; Page: 61
    1. Pering, Alfred Hine
    2. Marriage, Family of Pering, Alfred Hine and Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
    3. Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
  49. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Marriage, Family of Holmes, Henry and Lindley, Hannah
    2. Lindley, Hannah
    3. Holmes, Henry
  50. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Brown, Isaac
    2. Marriage, Family of Brown, Isaac and Childre, Phebe
    3. Childre, Phebe
  51. Orange County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1826-1920 Inclusive Volum, Original Record Location County Clerk's Office, Pa; Book: C-13; Page: 115
    1. Marriage, Family of Wininger, Albert Dennis and Phillips, Ethel Clora
    2. Wininger, Albert Dennis
    3. Phillips, Ethel Clora
  52. Carter, Elam married Henry, Mary on 07 Mar 1844 in Brown County, Indiana; Indiana
    Brown County
    1. Carter, Elam
    2. Henry, Mary
    3. Marriage, Family of Carter, Elam and Henry, Mary
  53. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Henderson, David
    2. Crow, Grace
    3. Marriage, Family of Henderson, David and Crow, Grace
  54. Greene Co Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1821-1920 [Lacking 1828-1, W. P. A.; Book: J; Page: 246
    1. Evans, Frank M.
  55. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Henderson, David
  56. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume II Book 7 (Apr 1882-May 18, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 7; Page: 74
    1. Pence, Emanuel
    2. Chaney, Hester Ann
    3. Marriage, Family of Pence, Emanuel and Chaney, Hester Ann
  57. Book: 3; Page: 177
    1. Marriage, Family of Carter, Thomas I.
    2. Carter, Thomas I.
  58. Marion County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1916 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind; Book: 90; Page: 500
    1. Reeves, Carrie L.
    2. Marriage, Family of Greer, Harry Roscoe and Reeves, Carrie L.
    3. Greer, Harry Roscoe
  59. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 9; Page: 144
    1. Ballou, Emma Grant
    2. Marriage, Family of Forgey, Thomas Crawford and Ballou, Emma Grant
    3. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  60. Book: 5; Page: 45
    1. Helton, Michael Woolery
    2. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
    3. Marriage, Family of Helton, Michael Woolery and Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  61. Clark County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1905-1920 Inclusive Volum, W. P. A. Original Records Located County Clerks Of; Book: 14 Mar 1887; Page: 7
    1. Graham, Robert Harvey
  62. Orange County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1826-1920 Inclusive Volum, Original Record Location County Clerk's Office, Pa; Book: C-13; Page: 115
    1. Birth, Wininger, Albert Dennis
    2. Wininger, Albert Dennis
  63. Title: Pulaski County, Indiana, Index to Supplemental Records Marriage Transcript, W. P. A. Original Record Located: State Dep't. of; Book: H-4; Page: 2.
    1. Kershner, Lewis Omar
    2. Marriage, Family of Kershner, Lewis Omar and Farnsley, Rachel B.
    3. Farnsley, Rachel B.
  64. Book: County Court Records in Martinsville, IN
    1. Rooker, Nancy
  65. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890.
    1. White, Nancy Jane
    2. Marriage, Family of Jackson, Joshua C. and White, Nancy Jane
    3. Jackson, Joshua C.
  66. Book: 4; Page: 35
    1. Carter, John Clinton
  67. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0877709
    1. Davies, Isaac
  68. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Sampson
  69. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1317624 item 3 & 1317625
    1. Davis, John Wesley
  70. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890.
    1. Henry, Jane
    2. Carter, James
    3. Marriage, Family of Carter, James and Henry, Jane
  71. Title: Harrison County, Indiana, Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located, Corydon Compiled; Book: E; Page: 306.
    1. Farnsley, Eurah T.
  72. Wayne County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1860* - 1920 Inclusive V, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C- L; Page: 213
    1. Davies, Thomas
  73. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Vanatta, Essie V.
    2. Bodine, William E.
    3. Marriage, Family of Bodine, William E. and Vanatta, Essie V.
  74. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0874489 item 2
    1. Davis, Silas
    2. Marriage, Family of Davis, Silas and Adams, Ann
    3. Adams, Ann
  75. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Marriage, Family of Hobbs, John W. and Alley, Jane
    2. Hobbs, John W.
    3. Alley, Jane
  76. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Childre, Phebe
  77. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Iles, Priscilla
  78. Alley, Joycey married Gant, James C. on 27 Dec 1829 in Franklin County, Indiana; Indiana
    Franklin County
    1. Alley, Joycey
  79. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1314624
    1. Claypool, Reuben
    2. Russell, Martha
    3. Marriage, Family of Claypool, Reuben and Russell, Martha
  80. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1392539 items 3-5
    1. Wilson, Elizabeth Patrick
    2. Marriage, Family of Crow, Joshua M. and Wilson, Elizabeth Patrick
    3. Crow, Joshua M.
  81. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3; Page: 477
    1. King, John G.
  82. Book: 4; Page: 35
    1. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
    2. Carter, John Clinton
    3. Marriage, Family of Carter, John Clinton and Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  83. Howard County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1844 - 1920 Inclusive Vo, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C- 1; Page: 16
    1. Michael, Hannah
    2. Forgey, William Alexander
    3. Marriage, Family of Forgey, William Alexander and Michael, Hannah
  84. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Hobbs, John W.
  85. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3; Page: 477
    1. King, John G.
    2. Marriage, Family of King, John G. and Chaney, Mary Malinda
    3. Chaney, Mary Malinda
  86. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Elihu
    2. Carr, Catharine
    3. Marriage, Family of Alley, Elihu and Carr, Catharine
  87. Alley, Jane married Hobbs, John on 28 Dec 1828 in Franklin County, Indiana; Indiana
    Franklin County
    1. Alley, Jane
  88. Laporte County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records Letters: S - Z Volume V, W. P. A. Compiled by Indiana Works Progress Admini; Book: R-I; Page: 111
    1. Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
  89. Elkhart County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Gos; Book: 2
    1. Flory, William S. Dr.
  90. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316561 - 1316562
    1. Adair, Isabel Ann
    2. Claypool, Reuben
    3. Marriage, Family of Claypool, Reuben and Adair, Isabel Ann
  91. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Marriage, Family of Hobbs, John W. and Alley, Jane
    2. Hobbs, John W.
    3. Alley, Jane
  92. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890
    1. Carter, Elam
    2. Henry, Mary
    3. Marriage, Family of Carter, Elam and Henry, Mary
  93. Harrison County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located, Corydon Compiled; Book: E; Page: 453
    1. Farnsley, James Martin
    2. Marriage, Family of Farnsley, James Martin and Kessinger, Margrette Ellen
    3. Kessinger, Margrette Ellen
  94. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316952 & 1436077
    1. Crow, Hannah
    2. Marriage, Family of Henderson, Ezekial and Crow, Hannah
    3. Henderson, Ezekial
  95. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 2; Page: 517
    1. Marriage, Family of Test, John and Davies, Hannah
    2. Test, John
    3. Davies, Hannah
  96. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890
    1. Carter, Elam
    2. Henry, Mary
    3. Marriage, Family of Carter, Elam and Henry, Mary
  97. Crow, Joshua married Wilson, Elizabeth on 19 May 1829 in Vigo County, Indiana; Indiana
    Vigo County
    1. Wilson, Elizabeth Patrick
    2. Marriage, Family of Crow, Joshua M. and Wilson, Elizabeth Patrick
    3. Crow, Joshua M.
  98. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0877709
    1. Endicott, Mariah Ann
    2. Marriage, Family of Davies, Isaac and Endicott, Mariah Ann
    3. Davies, Isaac
  99. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 4; Page: 495
    1. Chaney, Hester Ann
    2. McCann, James Homer
    3. Marriage, Family of McCann, James Homer and Chaney, Hester Ann
  100. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Hobbs, Lucretia
    2. Alley, Sampson
    3. Marriage, Family of Alley, Sampson and Hobbs, Lucretia
  101. Orange County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1826-1920 Inclusive Volum, Original Record Location County Clerk's Office, Pa; Book: C-13; Page: 115
    1. Marriage, Family of Wininger, Albert Dennis and Phillips, Ethel Clora
    2. Wininger, Albert Dennis
    3. Phillips, Ethel Clora
  102. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 4; Page: 1
    1. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  103. Title: Steuben County, Indiana, Marriage Records Book A No. 1 - 6 1837 - 1899, Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County 1969; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Rodabaugh, Phoebe Anna
  104. Franklin County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850-1920 Inclusive Volum, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 6; Page: 435
    1. Warren, Anna Elizabeth
    2. Marriage, Family of Armstrong, John M. and Warren, Anna Elizabeth
    3. Armstrong, John M.
  105. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Brown, Isaac
    2. Marriage, Family of Brown, Isaac and Childre, Phebe
    3. Childre, Phebe
  106. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1392539 items 3-5
    1. Crow, Joshua M.
  107. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 2; Page: 292
    1. Ford, Rosanna
  108. Floyd County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1845-1920 Inclusive Volum, W. P. A. Book Number Indicates Location of Record; Book: 6; Page: 44
    1. Mitchell, James Lewis
  109. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0877709
    1. Endicott, Mariah Ann
  110. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1317624 item 3 & 1317625
    1. Marriage, Family of Davis, John Wesley and Lamb, Mary "Polly"
    2. Davis, John Wesley
    3. Lamb, Mary "Polly"
  111. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0877709
    1. Endicott, Mariah Ann
    2. Marriage, Family of Davies, Isaac and Endicott, Mariah Ann
    3. Davies, Isaac
  112. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1266801
    1. Michael, Hannah
    2. Forgey, William Alexander
    3. Marriage, Family of Forgey, William Alexander and Michael, Hannah
  113. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1392539 items 3-5
    1. Wilson, Elizabeth Patrick
    2. Marriage, Family of Crow, Joshua M. and Wilson, Elizabeth Patrick
    3. Crow, Joshua M.
  114. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 2; Page: 292
    1. Ford, Rosanna
    2. Davies, John Jehu
    3. Marriage, Family of Davies, John Jehu and Ford, Rosanna
  115. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Samuel Jay
  116. Title: Steuben County, Indiana, Marriage Records Book A No. 1 - 6 1837 - 1899, Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County 1969; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Burch, Jennie T.
  117. Title: Jackson, Joshua married White, Nancy Jane on 06 Jan 1848 in Brown County, Indiana, IndianaBrown County, ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. White, Nancy Jane
    2. Marriage, Family of Jackson, Joshua C. and White, Nancy Jane
    3. Jackson, Joshua C.
  118. Book: 3; Page: 406
    1. Carter, Elizabeth C.
  119. Floyd County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1845-1920 Inclusive Volum, W. P. A. Book Number Indicates Location of Record; Book: 6; Page: 44
    1. Marriage, Family of Mitchell, James Lewis
    2. Mitchell, James Lewis
  120. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Gifford, John
  121. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0469763
    1. Manlove, Malinda G.
    2. Gifford, Solomon Ward
    3. Marriage, Family of Gifford, Solomon Ward and Manlove, Malinda G.
  122. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Holmes, Henry
  123. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3A; Page: 70
    1. Brewer, Thomas
    2. Chaney, Eliza N.
    3. Marriage, Family of Brewer, Thomas and Chaney, Eliza N.
  124. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1266732 - 1266733.
    1. Handlen, William
    2. Marriage, Family of Handlen, William and Moore, Permelia
    3. Moore, Permelia
  125. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 6; Page: 267
    1. Chaney, David T.
  126. Title: Harrison County, Indiana, Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located, Corydon Compiled; Book: E; Page: 306.
    1. Marriage, Family of Beard, Jacob W and Farnsley, Eurah T.
    2. Beard, Jacob W
    3. Farnsley, Eurah T.
  127. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890
    1. Henry, Mary
  128. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Gifford, John
    2. Iles, Priscilla
    3. Marriage, Family of Gifford, John and Iles, Priscilla
  129. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0874489 item 2
    1. Davis, Silas
  130. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316561 - 1316562
    1. Jones, William
  131. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0469763
    1. Gifford, Solomon Ward
  132. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890
    1. Carter, Elam
  133. Howard County, Indiana; Index to Supplemental Record Marriage Applications, W. P. A. Oricinal Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C-38; Page: 13
    1. Jackson, Dora Bell
  134. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Vanatta, Carrie Mae
  135. Title: Grant County, Indiana, Marriage Records Volume III Book 12 (Mar 1898-Mar, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 13; Page: 77.
    1. Bretz, Nellie Emma
  136. Book: 4; Page: 35
    1. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
    2. Carter, John Clinton
    3. Marriage, Family of Carter, John Clinton and Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  137. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 2; Page: 292
    1. Ford, Rosanna
    2. Davies, John Jehu
    3. Marriage, Family of Davies, John Jehu and Ford, Rosanna
  138. Title: Clark County Indiana, Marriage Records 1855 - 1880 Books G - K V. 2, Grooms & Brides Compiled by Ruth M Slevin - 1973 -; Book: J; Page: 65.
    1. Dawson, John W.
    2. Marriage, Family of Dawson, John W.
  139. Gifford, John married Iles, Priscilla on 18 Jan 1825 in Rush County, Indiana; Indiana
    Rush County
    1. Gifford, John
    2. Iles, Priscilla
    3. Marriage, Family of Gifford, John and Iles, Priscilla
  140. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Elihu
  141. Laporte County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records Letters: S - Z Volume V, W. P. A. Compiled by Indiana Works Progress Admini; Book: R-I; Page: 111
    1. Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change)
    2. Marriage, Family of Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change) and Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
    3. Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
  142. Wayne County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1860 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C- L; Page: 213
    1. Purvis, Rachel
  143. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Marriage, Family of Gifford, James W. and Groves, Rebecca
    2. Groves, Rebecca
    3. Gifford, James W.
  144. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 1; Page: 425
    1. Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
    2. Marriage, Family of Scott, Samuel and Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
    3. Scott, Samuel
  145. Greene Co, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1821-1920 [Lacking 1828-1, W. P. A; Book: J; Page: 246
    1. Johnson, Armentha Ann
    2. Marriage, Family of Evans, Frank M. and Johnson, Armentha Ann
    3. Evans, Frank M.
  146. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Vanatta, Essie V.
  147. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 2; Page: 517
    1. Test, John
  148. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1266801
    1. Forgey, William Alexander
  149. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 4; Page: 155
    1. McCann, James Homer
    2. Street, Mary L.
    3. Marriage, Family of McCann, James Homer and Street, Mary L.
  150. Book: 3; Page: 177
    1. Carter, Thomas I.
  151. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316561 - 1316562
    1. Adair, Isabel Ann
  152. Childre, Phebe married Cravens, Uriah on 18 Jul 1833 in Boone County, Indiana; Indiana
    Boone County
    1. Marriage, Family of Cravens, Uriah and Childre, Phebe
    2. Cravens, Uriah
    3. Childre, Phebe
  153. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1314624
    1. Russell, Martha
  154. Gifford, John married Iles, Priscilla on 18 Jan 1825 in Rush County, Indiana; Indiana
    Rush County
    1. Gifford, John
  155. Harrison County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located, Corydon Compiled; Book: E; Page: 453
    1. Farnsley, James Martin
  156. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Marriage, Family of Cravens, Uriah and Childre, Phebe
    2. Cravens, Uriah
    3. Childre, Phebe
  157. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316561 - 1316562
    1. Marriage, Family of Jones, William and Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
    2. Jones, William
    3. Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
  158. Book: 3; Page: 406
    1. Carter, Elizabeth C.
    2. Marriage, Family of Binkley, Samuel Lybrand Rev. and Carter, Elizabeth C.
    3. Binkley, Samuel Lybrand Rev.
  159. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3; Page: 190
    1. Babb, William
    2. Chaney, Matilda
    3. Marriage, Family of Babb, William and Chaney, Matilda
  160. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume II Book 7 (Apr 1882-May 18, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 7; Page: 74
    1. Pence, Emanuel
  161. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3; Page: 230
    1. Pence, Emanuel
  162. Title: Jackson, Joshua married White, Nancy Jane on 06 Jan 1848 in Brown County, Indiana, IndianaBrown County, ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Jackson, Joshua C.
  163. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 4; Page: 87
    1. Chaney, John Rauson
  164. Book: 3; Page: 61
    1. Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
  165. Floyd County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1845 - 1920 Inclusive Vo, W. P. A. Book Number Indicates Location of Record; Book: 6; Page: 44
    1. Marriage, Family of Mitchell, James Lewis and Carter, Clara E.
    2. Carter, Clara E.
    3. Mitchell, James Lewis
  166. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0874489 item 2
    1. Davis, Silas
    2. Marriage, Family of Davis, Silas and Adams, Ann
    3. Adams, Ann
  167. Wayne County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1860* - 1920 Inclusive V, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C- L; Page: 213
    1. Marriage, Family of Davies, Thomas and Purvis, Rachel
    2. Purvis, Rachel
    3. Davies, Thomas
  168. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 9; Page: 144
    1. Ballou, Emma Grant
  169. Howard County, Indiana; Index to Supplemental Record Marriage Applications, W. P. A. Oricinal Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C-38; Page: 13
    1. Marriage, Family of Jackson, Dora Bell
    2. Jackson, Dora Bell
  170. Alley, Joycey married Gant, James C. on 27 Dec 1829 in Franklin County, Indiana; Indiana
    Franklin County
    1. Gant, James Crothers
    2. Marriage, Family of Gant, James Crothers and Alley, Joycey
    3. Alley, Joycey
  171. Floyd County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1845 - 1920 Inclusive Vo, W. P. A. Book Number Indicates Location of Record; Book: 6; Page: 44
    1. Carter, Clara E.
  172. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1266801
    1. Michael, Hannah
  173. Book: 5; Page: 45
    1. Helton, Michael Woolery
    2. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
    3. Marriage, Family of Helton, Michael Woolery and Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  174. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1392539 items 3-5
    1. Wilson, Elizabeth Patrick
  175. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316561 - 1316562
    1. Marriage, Family of Jones, William and Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
    2. Jones, William
    3. Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
  176. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 3; Page: 190
    1. Babb, William
  177. Franklin County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: 6; Page: 435
    1. Warren, Anna Elizabeth
  178. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 6; Page: 267
    1. Davis, Clara Etta
    2. Marriage, Family of Chaney, David T. and Davis, Clara Etta
    3. Chaney, David T.
  179. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Samuel Jay
    2. Bunyard, Nancy Lum
    3. Marriage, Family of Alley, Samuel Jay and Bunyard, Nancy Lum
  180. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1320110
    1. Marriage, Family of Cravens, Uriah and Childre, Phebe
    2. Cravens, Uriah
    3. Childre, Phebe
  181. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 9; Page: 144
    1. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  182. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Jackson, Henry
  183. Putnam County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Part One A-G I, Original record lecated in the County Clerk's Offi; Book: 2; Page: 302
    1. Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
  184. Book: 4; Page: 35
    1. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  185. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1314624
    1. Claypool, Reuben
    2. Russell, Martha
    3. Marriage, Family of Claypool, Reuben and Russell, Martha
  186. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 9; Page: 144
    1. Ballou, Emma Grant
    2. Marriage, Family of Forgey, Thomas Crawford and Ballou, Emma Grant
    3. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  187. Title: Grant County, Indiana, Marriage Records Volume III Book 12 (Mar 1898-Mar, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 13; Page: 77.
    1. Montgomery, Wilson David
    2. Marriage, Family of Montgomery, Wilson David
  188. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Crow, Grace
  189. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Jane
  190. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Henderson, David
    2. Crow, Grace
    3. Marriage, Family of Henderson, David and Crow, Grace
  191. Putnam County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Part One A-G I, Original record lecated in the County Clerk's Offi; Book: 2; Page: 302
    1. Marriage, Family of Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr. and McMurry, Sarah Margaret
    2. McMurry, Sarah Margaret
    3. Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
  192. Marion County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1916 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind; Book: 90; Page: 500
    1. Birth, Greer, Harry Roscoe
    2. Greer, Harry Roscoe
  193. Elkhart County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Gos; Book: 2
    1. Marriage, Family of Flory, William S. Dr. and Sturgis, Mary C.
    2. Flory, William S. Dr.
    3. Sturgis, Mary C.
  194. Howard County, Indiana; Index to Supplemental Record Marriage Applications, W. P. A. Oricinal Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C-38; Page: 13
    1. Jackson, Dora Bell
    2. Birth, Jackson, Dora Bell
  195. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890.
    1. Carter, James
  196. Howard County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1844 - 1920 Inclusive Vo, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C- 1; Page: 16
    1. Forgey, William Alexander
  197. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Elihu
    2. Carr, Catharine
    3. Marriage, Family of Alley, Elihu and Carr, Catharine
  198. Davis, Wesley married Lamb, Polly on 14 Dec 1826 in Lawrence County, Indiana; Indiana
    Lawrence County
    1. Davis, John Wesley
  199. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1630188 - 1630189
    1. Groves, Rebecca
  200. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1295890.
    1. Henry, Jane
    2. Carter, James
    3. Marriage, Family of Carter, James and Henry, Jane
  201. Greene Co Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1821-1920 [Lacking 1828-1, W. P. A.; Book: J; Page: 246
    1. Johnson, Armentha Ann
    2. Marriage, Family of Evans, Frank M. and Johnson, Armentha Ann
    3. Evans, Frank M.
  202. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316952 & 1436077
    1. Crow, Hannah
    2. Marriage, Family of Henderson, Ezekial and Crow, Hannah
    3. Henderson, Ezekial
  203. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 2; Page: 292
    1. Davies, John Jehu
  204. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316696
    1. Lindley, Hannah
  205. Putnam County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850 - 1920 Part Two H -, Original Record Located in the County Clerk's Offi; Book: 2; Page: 302
    1. Marriage, Family of Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr. and McMurry, Sarah Margaret
    2. McMurry, Sarah Margaret
    3. Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
  206. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1317624 item 3 & 1317625
    1. Lamb, Mary "Polly"
  207. Book: 5; Page: 45
    1. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  208. Title: Clark County Indiana, Marriage Records 1855 - 1880 Books G - K V. 2, Grooms & Brides Compiled by Ruth M Slevin - 1973 -; Book: J; Page: 65.
    1. Dawson, John W.
  209. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Bunyard, Nancy Lum
  210. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 2; Page: 517
    1. Davies, Hannah
  211. Grant County, Indiana; Marriage Records Volume I Book C (Sept 1831-June 1, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 4; Page: 495
    1. McCann, James Homer
  212. Wayne County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1860 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: C- L; Page: 213
    1. Marriage, Family of Davies, Thomas and Purvis, Rachel
    2. Purvis, Rachel
    3. Davies, Thomas
  213. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Bodine, Richard Oliver
    2. Vanatta, Carrie Mae
    3. Marriage, Family of Bodine, Richard Oliver and Vanatta, Carrie Mae
  214. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 0874489 item 2
    1. Adams, Ann
  215. Title: Pulaski County, Indiana, Index to Supplemental Records Marriage Transcript, W. P. A. Original Record Located: State Dep't. of; Book: H-4; Page: 2.
    1. Birth, Farnsley, Rachel B.
    2. Farnsley, Rachel B.
  216. Title: Grant County, Indiana, Marriage Records Volume III Book 12 (Mar 1898-Mar, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 13; Page: 77.
    1. Bretz, Nellie Emma
    2. Hale, Fred E.
    3. Marriage, Family of Hale, Fred E. and Bretz, Nellie Emma
  217. Allen County, Indiana; Marriage Records 1921-1925 Vol. II G - K, Original Record Located: Allen County Fort Wayne H
    1. Hammel, Elmer
  218. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1314624
    1. Claypool, Reuben
  219. Franklin County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850-1920 Inclusive Volum, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 6; Page: 435
    1. Armstrong, John M.
  220. Putnam County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850 - 1920 Part Two H -, Original Record Located in the County Clerk's Offi; Book: 2; Page: 302
    1. McMurry, Sarah Margaret
  221. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Vanatta, Essie V.
    2. Bodine, William E.
    3. Marriage, Family of Bodine, William E. and Vanatta, Essie V.
  222. Franklin County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O; Book: 6; Page: 435
    1. Warren, Anna Elizabeth
    2. Marriage, Family of Armstrong, John M. and Warren, Anna Elizabeth
    3. Armstrong, John M.
  223. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 4; Page: 1
    1. Gates, Mary Jane
    2. Marriage, Family of Forgey, Thomas Crawford and Gates, Mary Jane
    3. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  224. Crow, Joshua married Wilson, Elizabeth on 19 May 1829 in Vigo County, Indiana; Indiana
    Vigo County
    1. Crow, Joshua M.
  225. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1316952 & 1436077
    1. Henderson, Ezekial
  226. Carter, Elam married Henry, Mary on 07 Mar 1844 in Brown County, Indiana; Indiana
    Brown County
    1. Carter, Elam
  227. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Templeton, Dovey Amanda
  228. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Hobbs, Lucretia
    2. Alley, Sampson
    3. Marriage, Family of Alley, Sampson and Hobbs, Lucretia
  229. Title: , , ; Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1266732 - 1266733.
    1. Handlen, William
  230. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 1; Page: 425
    1. Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
  231. Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Page: 1854692 - 1854694
    1. Alley, Samuel Jay
    2. Bunyard, Nancy Lum
    3. Marriage, Family of Alley, Samuel Jay and Bunyard, Nancy Lum
  232. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 2; Page: 517
    1. Marriage, Family of Test, John and Davies, Hannah
    2. Test, John
    3. Davies, Hannah
  233. Title: , , ; Book: ; Page: .
    1. Bodine, Richard Oliver
    2. Vanatta, Carrie Mae
    3. Marriage, Family of Bodine, Richard Oliver and Vanatta, Carrie Mae
  234. Book: 5; Page: 45
    1. Helton, Michael Woolery
  235. Carroll County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Records 1850-1920 Inclusive Volu, W. P. A. Original Record Located County Clerk's Of; Book: 4; Page: 1
    1. Gates, Mary Jane
  236. Title: Grant County, Indiana, Marriage Records Volume III Book 12 (Mar 1898-Mar, Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club; Book: 13; Page: 77.
    1. Montgomery, Wilson David
  237. Hamilton County, Indiana; Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1879 Inclusive Vol, W. P. A. Part One 1850 - 1859 Part Two 1860 - 1869; Book: 1; Page: 425
    1. Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
    2. Marriage, Family of Scott, Samuel and Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
    3. Scott, Samuel