Kentucky, Wills and Probate Records, 1774-1989

Publication information Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2015;


  1. Probate Records; Author: Warren County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Warren, Kentucky
    1. Probate, Claypool, Easton T.
    2. Claypool, Easton T.
  2. Kentucky vital statistics, record of wills, Mason County, Kentucky, 1791-1823; Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Tillett, John
  3. Kentucky vital statistics, record of wills, Mason County, Kentucky, 1791-1823; Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Outten, Isaac
    2. Probate, Outten, Isaac
  4. Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Whaley, John
  5. Kentucky vital statistics, record of wills, Mason County, Kentucky, 1791-1823; Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Death, Tillett, John
    2. Tillett, John
  6. Author: Hardin County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Hardin, Kentucky
    1. Death, Neill, F. Thomas
    2. Neill, F. Thomas
  7. Kentucky vital statistics, record of wills, Mason County, Kentucky, 1791-1823; Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Outten, Isaac
  8. Author: Hardin County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Hardin, Kentucky
    1. Probate, Neill, F. Thomas
    2. Neill, F. Thomas
  9. Wills, 1784-1901; Index, 1784-1919; Author: Kentucky. County Court (Jefferson County); Probate Place: Jefferson, Kentucky
    1. Death, Neill, Phebe Letitia
    2. Neill, Phebe Letitia
  10. Probate Records; Author: Warren County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Warren, Kentucky
    1. Claypool, Easton T.
  11. Wills, 1784-1901; Index, 1784-1919; Author: Kentucky. County Court (Jefferson County); Probate Place: Jefferson, Kentucky
    1. Probate, Neill, Phebe Letitia
    2. Neill, Phebe Letitia
  12. Author: Hardin County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Hardin, Kentucky
    1. Neill, F. Thomas
  13. Probate Records; Author: Warren County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Warren, Kentucky
    1. Death, Claypool, Easton T.
    2. Claypool, Easton T.
  14. Kentucky vital statistics, record of wills, Mason County, Kentucky, 1791-1823; Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Tillett, John
    2. Probate, Tillett, John
  15. Probate Records; Author: Kentucky. County Court (Butler County); Probate Place: Butler, Kentucky
    1. Death, Sharer, James Burgess
    2. Sharer, James Burgess
  16. Probate Records; Author: Warren County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Warren, Kentucky
    1. Claypool, George
    2. Probate, Claypool, George
  17. Author: Kentucky. County Court (Whitley County); Probate Place: Whitley, Kentucky
    1. Rigsby, Rebecca Ann
  18. Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Death, Whaley, John
    2. Whaley, John
  19. Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Probate, Whaley, John
    2. Whaley, John
  20. Kentucky vital statistics, record of wills, Mason County, Kentucky, 1791-1823; Author: Bell, Annie W. B. (Annie Walker Burns), 1894-1966; Probate Place: Mason, Kentucky
    1. Death, Outten, Isaac
    2. Outten, Isaac
  21. Author: Kentucky. County Court (Whitley County); Probate Place: Whitley, Kentucky
    1. Rigsby, Rebecca Ann
    2. Probate, Rigsby, Rebecca Ann
  22. Probate Records; Author: Kentucky. County Court (Butler County); Probate Place: Butler, Kentucky
    1. Probate, Sharer, James Burgess
    2. Sharer, James Burgess
  23. Probate Records; Author: Warren County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Warren, Kentucky
    1. Claypool, George
  24. Probate Records; Author: Kentucky. County Court (Butler County); Probate Place: Butler, Kentucky
    1. Sharer, James Burgess
  25. Probate Records; Author: Warren County (Kentucky). Clerk of the County Court; Probate Place: Warren, Kentucky
    1. Claypool, George
    2. Death, Claypool, George
  26. Wills, 1784-1901; Index, 1784-1919; Author: Kentucky. County Court (Jefferson County); Probate Place: Jefferson, Kentucky
    1. Neill, Phebe Letitia
  27. Author: Kentucky. County Court (Whitley County); Probate Place: Whitley, Kentucky
    1. Death, Rigsby, Rebecca Ann
    2. Rigsby, Rebecca Ann