Idaho, County Marriage Records, 1863-1967

Publication information Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 2017;


  1. Idaho State Archives and Historical Society; Boise, Idaho; Idaho, County Marriage Records
    1. Crawford, Martha Ellen
  2. Idaho State Archives and Historical Society; Boise, Idaho; Idaho, County Marriage Records
    1. Vanderpool, Columbus
  3. Idaho State Archives and Historical Society; Boise, Idaho; Idaho, County Marriage Records
    1. Marriage, Family of Vanderpool, Columbus and Crawford, Martha Ellen
    2. Crawford, Martha Ellen
    3. Vanderpool, Columbus
  4. Idaho State Archives and Historical Society; Boise, Idaho; Idaho, County Marriage Records
    1. Marriage, Family of Vanderpool, Columbus and Crawford, Martha Ellen
    2. Crawford, Martha Ellen
    3. Vanderpool, Columbus