Wessex, England

Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Flanders, Baldwin Bald Comte de (0000-00-00 Birth)
  2. of Wessex (0000-00-00)
  3. Wessex, Cenred of (0000-00-00)
  4. Family of Flanders, Baldwin Bald Comte de and , Aeffreda (0000-00-00)
  5. , Ealhmund Under-King of Kent (0000-00-00)
  6. Family of Wessex, Cuthwine of and Cuthwine of Wessex, Wife of (0000-00-00)
  7. Wimborne, Cwenburh Abbess (0000-00-00 Birth)
  8. Family of Wessex, Ceawlin of and Ceawlin of Wessex, Wife of (0000-00-00)
  9. Ceawlin of Wessex, Wife of (0000-00-00)
  10. Crioda (0000-00-00 Birth)
  11. Family of , Eoppa and of Wessex (0000-00-00)
  12. Wessex, Cutha Cathwulf of (0000-00-00 Death)
  13. Family of Wessex, Cenred of and , Lady [Cenred] (0000-00-00)
  14. Wessex, Cuthwine of (0000-00-00)
  15. Wessex, Ceawlin of (0000-00-00)
  16. , Eoppa (0000-00-00)
  17. , Aeffreda (0000-00-00 Birth)
  18. Family of , Ealhmund Under-King of Kent and , Lady Ealhmund (0000-00-00)
  19. , Lady Ealhmund (0000-00-00 Death)
  20. Shaftsbury of Wessex, Ethekgiva of Abbess (0000-00-00 Birth)
  21. , Aelthryth (0000-00-00 Birth)
  22. , Lady [Cenred] (0000-00-00 Death)
  23. Eadgyth, Edith Saint (0000-00-00 Birth)
  24. Cuthwine of Wessex, Wife of (0000-00-00)
  25. Crioda (0000-00-00 Birth)
  26. Atheling, Creoda (493 Birth)
  27. Wessex, Cynric of (525 Birth)
  28. Atheling, Creoda (534 Death)
  29. Van Wessex, Wihtgar (534 Death)
  30. Wessex, Cerdic de King (534 Death)
  31. Wessex, Ceawlin of (547 Birth)
  32. Ceawlin of Wessex, Wife of (548 Birth)
  33. Wessex, Cynric of (560 Death)
  34. Wessex, Cuthwine of (564 Birth)
  35. Cuthwine of Wessex, Wife of (568 Birth)
  36. , Auda (568 Birth)
  37. Cuthwulf, Cutha (592 Birth)
  38. Wessex, Cutha Cathwulf of (592 Birth)
  39. Wessex, Coenberht of (593 Death)
  40. Wessex, Ceawlin of (593 Death)
  41. , Fafertach (620 Birth)
  42. Wessex, Ceolwald of (622 Birth)
  43. Wessex, Ceowald of (626 Birth)
  44. Ceawlin of Wessex, Wife of (635 Death)
  45. , Auda (640 Death)
  46. Family of Wessex, Ceolwald of and , Fafertach (642)
  47. Wessex, Ceolwald of (642)
  48. Cuthwulf, Cutha (642 Death)
  49. , Fafertach (642)
  50. Wessex, Cenred of (644 Birth)
  51. , Fafertach (644 Death)
  52. , Lady [Cenred] (648 Birth)
  53. , Ingild (about 680 Birth)
  54. Unknown (684 Birth)
  55. Wessex, Cenred of (694 Death)
  56. Family of , Ingild and Unknown (about 704)
  57. , Ingild (about 704)
  58. Unknown (about 704)
  59. , Eoppa (706 Birth)
  60. of Wessex (710 Birth)
  61. Eaba (732 Birth)
  62. Unknown (736 Birth)
  63. , Ealhmund Under-King of Kent (758 Birth)
  64. Unknown (760 Death)
  65. , Lady Ealhmund (762 Birth)
  66. of Wessex (780 Death)
  67. Wessex, Egbert of King of England (about 784 Birth)
  68. Oslac, Earl (785 Birth)
  69. Unknown (786 Death)
  70. Autun of Wessex, Redburga de (788 Birth)
  71. Eaba (789 Death)
  72. West Saxon, Aethelwulf of (795 Birth)
  73. , Eoppa (797 Death)
  74. Wessex, Osburga of (810 Birth)
  75. Ostacsdatter, Osburga (810 Birth)
  76. , Ealhmund Under-King of Kent (827 Death)
  77. Wessex, Osburga of (835)
  78. Family of West Saxon, Aethelwulf of and Wessex, Osburga of (835)
  79. West Saxon, Aethelwulf of (835)
  80. Autun of Wessex, Redburga de (839 Death)
  81. Wessex, Egbert of King of England (June 839 Death)
  82. Wessex, Osburga of (856 Death)
  83. Wessex, Ethelhelm of Archbishop (859 Birth)
  84. Mercia, Aethelflaed of (869 Birth)
  85. Aetheling, Edward I The Elder King Of England (871 Birth)