Monmouth, New Jersey

Latitude 40°17'16.11"N
Longitude 74°09'15.74"W
Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Fielder, Isaac Harold (0000-00-00 Probate)
  2. Wardell, Eliakim (0000-00-00 Residence)
  3. Perkins, Lydia (0000-00-00 Residence)
  4. Herbert, Isaac (0000-00-00 Probate)
  5. Gifford, Elizabeth (0000-00-00 Residence)
  6. Van Note, Jacob (0000-00-00 Death)
  7. Throckmorton, James (0000-00-00 Probate)
  8. Van Note, James (0000-00-00 Residence)
  9. Wardell, Elizabeth (1712 Residence)
  10. Salter, Hannah (about 1730 Birth)
  11. Van Note, Levi (1740 Birth)
  12. Family of Stout, Richard and Woolley, Hannah (23 April 1747)
  13. Woolley, Hannah (23 April 1747)
  14. Stout, Richard (23 April 1747)
  15. , Elizabeth (1754 Birth)
  16. Romaine, Thomas (28 March 1761)
  17. Family of Romaine, Thomas and Van Note, Neleey (Neltje) (28 March 1761)
  18. Van Note, Neleey (Neltje) (28 March 1761)
  19. Johnson, Amy (10 March 1762 Birth)
  20. Herbert, Jacob (1773)
  21. Hance, Elizabeth (1773)
  22. Family of Herbert, Jacob and Hance, Elizabeth (1773)
  23. Family of Van Note, Jacob and , Elizabeth (about 1774)
  24. Van Note, Jacob (about 1774)
  25. , Elizabeth (about 1774)
  26. Newberry, Margaret (about 1778 Birth)
  27. Gifford, John (1789)
  28. Family of Gifford, John and Faithful (1789)
  29. Faithful (1789)
  30. Throckmorton, Nancy Ann (17 March 1797)
  31. White, Amos (17 March 1797)
  32. Family of White, Amos and Throckmorton, Nancy Ann (17 March 1797)
  33. Sanford, John (1802 Birth)
  34. Family of Van Note, William and Fielder, Elizabeth (14 February 1804)
  35. Van Note, William (14 February 1804)
  36. Fielder, Elizabeth (14 February 1804)
  37. Fielder, Ezekiel (26 September 1821 Probate)
  38. Newberry, Margaret (28 March 1824)
  39. Family of Herbert, Jacob and Newberry, Margaret (28 March 1824)
  40. Herbert, Jacob (28 March 1824)
  41. Gifford, Annaniah (18 July 1829 Probate)
  42. Fielder, Isaac Harold (15 May 1833 Probate)
  43. , Elizabeth (before 1854 Death)