Polk, Missouri

Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Rice, Lewis James (0000-00-00 Burial)
  2. McCracken, Harry Raymond (0000-00-00 Residence)
  3. Blair, Jesse Cecil (0000-00-00 Burial)
  4. Carleton, Walter Perkins (0000-00-00 Residence)
  5. Vannoy, Odas Caleb (0000-00-00 Residence)
  6. Troyer, Francis Marion (0000-00-00 Burial)
  7. Williams, Homer James (0000-00-00 Burial)
  8. Forgey, Edgar Coy (0000-00-00 Residence)
  9. Mcgee, O'Kelley Davis (0000-00-00 Residence)
  10. Butler, Gene (0000-00-00 Residence)
  11. Family of Crawford, Newton C. F. and Long, Susan (19 April 1844)
  12. Long, Susan (19 April 1844)
  13. Crawford, Newton C. F. (19 April 1844)
  14. Holmes, Artemissa Adaline (13 August 1847 Birth)
  15. Devin, Marion Green (7 October 1847)
  16. Wollard, Mary Caroline (7 October 1847)
  17. Family of Devin, Marion Green and Wollard, Mary Caroline (7 October 1847)
  18. Family of Claypool, Jeremiah M. and Smith, Mildred "Millie" (14 May 1848)
  19. Claypool, Jeremiah M. (14 May 1848)
  20. Smith, Mildred "Millie" (14 May 1848)
  21. Holmes, David Reed (14 October 1852)
  22. Family of Holmes, David Reed and Watkins, Sarah Jane (14 October 1852)
  23. Watkins, Sarah Jane (14 October 1852)
  24. Family of Forgey, Samuel Scott and Reaves, Elizabeth M. (13 September 1855)
  25. Forgey, Samuel Scott (13 September 1855)
  26. Reaves, Elizabeth M. (13 September 1855)
  27. Rector, John Josiah (13 January 1856 Probate)
  28. McKinney, Lucy Ann (22 June 1856)
  29. Dotson, John E. (22 June 1856)
  30. Family of Dotson, John E. and McKinney, Lucy Ann (22 June 1856)
  31. Family of Whitton, Lindsey Franklin and Butler, Sarah (15 October 1857)
  32. Butler, Sarah (15 October 1857)
  33. Whitton, Lindsey Franklin (15 October 1857)
  34. Family of Claypool, Matthew and Crawford, Sarah L. "Sally" (19 December 1863)
  35. Claypool, Matthew (19 December 1863)
  36. Crawford, Sarah L. "Sally" (19 December 1863)
  37. Wollard, William Ross (6 May 1864 Probate)
  38. Claypool, Reuben (4 November 1866)
  39. Family of Claypool, Reuben and Huston, Serena E. (4 November 1866)
  40. Huston, Serena E. (4 November 1866)
  41. Claypool, Elizabeth Ann (11 February 1868)
  42. Family of Dobbins, Thomas Harrison Benton and Claypool, Elizabeth Ann (11 February 1868)
  43. Dobbins, Thomas Harrison Benton (11 February 1868)
  44. Watkins, Fanny (about 1870 Birth)
  45. Holmes, Mary Catherine (21 January 1870 Birth)
  46. Family of Dotson, John E. and Claypool, Ellenor (17 December 1871)
  47. Dotson, John E. (17 December 1871)
  48. Claypool, Ellenor (17 December 1871)
  49. Carter, Rachel Ruth (20 July 1873)
  50. Kennon, James William (20 July 1873)
  51. Family of Kennon, James William and Carter, Rachel Ruth (20 July 1873)
  52. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth "Sallie" (14 February 1877)
  53. Middlebrook, Horace Judson (14 February 1877)
  54. Family of Middlebrook, Horace Judson and Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth "Sallie" (14 February 1877)
  55. Watkins, John T. (23 July 1878 Probate)
  56. Family of Pickering, Jonathan and Holmes, Margaret Tennessee (7 November 1878)
  57. Pickering, Jonathan (7 November 1878)
  58. Holmes, Margaret Tennessee (7 November 1878)
  59. Holmes, Elizabeth Jane (25 September 1879)
  60. Wollard, Barton Marshall (25 September 1879)
  61. Family of Wollard, Barton Marshall and Holmes, Elizabeth Jane (25 September 1879)
  62. Family of Tindle, William Austin and Frieze, Mary Ellen (22 August 1880)
  63. Frieze, Mary Ellen (22 August 1880)
  64. Tindle, William Austin (22 August 1880)
  65. Family of Frieze, William M. (4 March 1883)
  66. Frieze, William M. (4 March 1883)
  67. Fox, John M. (8 November 1883)
  68. Family of Fox, John M. and Smith, Emaline Matilda (8 November 1883)
  69. Smith, Emaline Matilda (8 November 1883)
  70. Hale, Joseph Elbrige (18 November 1883 Birth)
  71. Paul, Myrtle Pearl (25 February 1884 Birth)
  72. Wilson, Emma (12 February 1885)
  73. Family of Ashlock, James Thomas and Wilson, Emma (12 February 1885)
  74. Ashlock, James Thomas (12 February 1885)
  75. Flint, Mary Eleanor (4 March 1885)
  76. Raley, Jesse Mitchell (4 March 1885)
  77. Family of Raley, Jesse Mitchell and Flint, Mary Eleanor (4 March 1885)
  78. Ashlock, Cordelia (23 August 1885)
  79. Watkins, James T. (23 August 1885)
  80. Family of Watkins, James T. and Ashlock, Cordelia (23 August 1885)
  81. Family of Phillips, John M. and Crow, Louisa C. "Lula" (9 May 1888)
  82. Phillips, John M. (9 May 1888)
  83. Crow, Louisa C. "Lula" (9 May 1888)
  84. Thompson, William M. (25 October 1888)
  85. Family of Thompson, William M. and Holmes, Mary Catherine (25 October 1888)
  86. Holmes, Mary Catherine (25 October 1888)
  87. Tindle, William Austin (28 March 1889)
  88. Family of Tindle, William Austin and Frieze, Mary Ellen (28 March 1889)
  89. Frieze, Mary Ellen (28 March 1889)
  90. Skaggs, Myrtie A. (19 April 1890 Birth)
  91. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson (4 February 1891)
  92. Family of Carneal, Thomas Jefferson and Holmes, Martha Frances "Fannie" (4 February 1891)
  93. Holmes, Martha Frances "Fannie" (4 February 1891)
  94. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson (4 February 1891)
  95. Family of Carneal, Thomas Jefferson and Holmes, Martha Fannie (4 February 1891)
  96. Holmes, Martha Fannie (4 February 1891)
  97. Wollard, Albert Orastus (21 September 1891 Birth)
  98. Carneal, Mary Lavine (Sissy) (22 December 1892)
  99. Family of Frieze, Alfred R. and Carneal, Mary Lavine (Sissy) (22 December 1892)
  100. Frieze, Alfred R. (22 December 1892)
  101. Family of Baldwin, John Roberts and Wilson, Emma (9 January 1895)
  102. Wilson, Emma (9 January 1895)
  103. Baldwin, John Roberts (9 January 1895)
  104. Frieze, Elbert Sevier II (6 February 1895)
  105. Family of Frieze, Elbert Sevier II and Holmes, Mollie Emeline (6 February 1895)
  106. Holmes, Mollie Emeline (6 February 1895)
  107. Family of Crow, William Henry and Gilpin, Alice Arizonia (17 March 1895)
  108. Gilpin, Alice Arizonia (17 March 1895)
  109. Crow, William Henry (17 March 1895)
  110. Butler, Beulah Ellen (13 August 1895 Birth)
  111. Crawford, Mary Francis (13 October 1895)
  112. Rinck, David Franklin (13 October 1895)
  113. Family of Rinck, David Franklin and Crawford, Mary Francis (13 October 1895)
  114. Frieze, Cuba Alfa (29 January 1896 Birth)
  115. Ashlock, Mary Elizabeth (12 August 1896)
  116. Family of Mcgee, O'Kelley Davis and Ashlock, Mary Elizabeth (12 August 1896)
  117. Mcgee, O'Kelley Davis (12 August 1896)
  118. Belville, Etta Jane (2 October 1898)
  119. Family of Mead, John Wiley and Belville, Etta Jane (2 October 1898)
  120. Mead, John Wiley (2 October 1898)
  121. Family of Smith, James Ira and Crawford, Letha Belle (20 August 1899)
  122. Crawford, Letha Belle (20 August 1899)
  123. Smith, James Ira (20 August 1899)
  124. Osborn, Ollie (1900)
  125. Family of Osborn, Ollie and Mead, Rosa Ellen (1900)
  126. Mead, Rosa Ellen (1900)
  127. Frieze, Alfred Otis Jr. (7 February 1901 Birth)
  128. Family of Forgey, Oscar Landon and Skaggs, Letha Jane (14 April 1901)
  129. Skaggs, Letha Jane (14 April 1901)
  130. Forgey, Oscar Landon (14 April 1901)
  131. Butler, Effie Ray (6 March 1902)
  132. Morris, Thomas J. (6 March 1902)
  133. Family of Morris, Thomas J. and Butler, Effie Ray (6 March 1902)
  134. Crow, Isaac Leonard (24 September 1903)
  135. Family of Crow, Isaac Leonard and Gilpin, Katherine Elsie (24 September 1903)
  136. Gilpin, Katherine Elsie (24 September 1903)
  137. Holmes, Luke Prier (26 October 1903 Probate)
  138. Baker, George William (28 September 1906 Birth)
  139. Butler, Charlotte Malinda (27 January 1907)
  140. Northern, John M. (27 January 1907)
  141. Family of Northern, John M. and Butler, Charlotte Malinda (27 January 1907)
  142. Crawford, Mary Francis (11 February 1909)
  143. Family of Watkins, James Alonzo and Crawford, Mary Francis (11 February 1909)
  144. Watkins, James Alonzo (11 February 1909)
  145. Hale, Joseph Elbrige (27 March 1910)
  146. Family of Hale, Joseph Elbrige and Skaggs, Myrtie A. (27 March 1910)
  147. Skaggs, Myrtie A. (27 March 1910)
  148. Butler, Clifford (10 January 1912 Birth)
  149. Claypool, Matthew (11 April 1913 Probate)
  150. Akard, Madeline (18 October 1913)
  151. Crow, Buel Arthur (18 October 1913)
  152. Family of Crow, Buel Arthur and Akard, Madeline (18 October 1913)
  153. Family of Wollard, Albert Orastus and Frieze, Cuba Alfa (2 November 1913)
  154. Wollard, Albert Orastus (2 November 1913)
  155. Frieze, Cuba Alfa (2 November 1913)
  156. Butler, Clifford (10 May 1915 Death)
  157. Holmes, Thomas Jefferson (between 1917 and 1918 Residence)
  158. Hammons, Charles Berchal (between 1917 and 1918 Residence)
  159. Thomas, Josephine Belle (21 March 1917 Birth)
  160. Butler, Jacob Washington (1918 Residence)
  161. Rinck, Robert Lester (1918 Residence)
  162. Butler, Daniel Robert (1918 Residence)
  163. Crow, Buel Arthur (1918 Residence)
  164. Frieze, James Thomas (1918 Residence)
  165. Williams, Amer (1918 Residence)
  166. Forgey, George Nelson "Doc" (1918 Residence)
  167. Frieze, Elbert Sevier II (1918 Residence)
  168. Harmon, Fred (1918 Residence)
  169. Carneal, James (1918 Residence)
  170. Kennedy, Raymond Criss (1918 Residence)
  171. Crow, Verable Woodson (1918 Residence)
  172. Coy, Fred Lee (1918 Residence)
  173. Harmon, Everette E. (1918 Residence)
  174. Forgey, Homer Conway (1918 Residence)
  175. Wollard, Albert Orastus (1918 Residence)
  176. Thomas, Christie Coonce (1918 Residence)
  177. Kennon, Millie Roy (1918 Residence)
  178. Carneal, Edward Jefferson (1918 Residence)
  179. Gilpin, Earl Marion (1918 Residence)
  180. Claypool, Ellenor (28 May 1920 Death)
  181. Frieze, Blanche (5 September 1920)
  182. Family of Vannoy, Odas Caleb and Frieze, Blanche (5 September 1920)
  183. Vannoy, Odas Caleb (5 September 1920)
  184. Micham, Elmer E. (7 August 1921)
  185. Crow, Eula Esther (7 August 1921)
  186. Family of Micham, Elmer E. and Crow, Eula Esther (7 August 1921)
  187. Mayse, Hazel Hyacinth (10 March 1923)
  188. Forgey, James Albert (10 March 1923)
  189. Family of Forgey, James Albert and Mayse, Hazel Hyacinth (10 March 1923)
  190. Roark, Minnie (22 September 1923)
  191. Family of Blair, Jesse Cecil and Roark, Minnie (22 September 1923)
  192. Blair, Jesse Cecil (22 September 1923)
  193. Ballard, Grace (14 October 1923)
  194. Family of Frieze, Alfred Otis Jr. and Ballard, Grace (14 October 1923)
  195. Frieze, Alfred Otis Jr. (14 October 1923)
  196. Ashlock, Agnes (11 October 1926 Death)
  197. Ball, Verner Francis (21 May 1927)
  198. Carneal, Orba (21 May 1927)
  199. Family of Ball, Verner Francis and Carneal, Orba (21 May 1927)
  200. Butler, Inez (1928)
  201. Family of Zerkel, Frank Daniel and Butler, Inez (1928)
  202. Zerkel, Frank Daniel (1928)
  203. Butler, Thomas Allen "Tommy" (21 March 1928)
  204. Ellsworth, Katherine Parthena (21 March 1928)
  205. Family of Butler, Thomas Allen "Tommy" and Ellsworth, Katherine Parthena (21 March 1928)
  206. Family of Frieze, John Richard and French, Dorothy Frances (12 October 1930)
  207. French, Dorothy Frances (12 October 1930)
  208. Frieze, John Richard (12 October 1930)
  209. Family of Butler, John Noble "Johnny" and Lawson, Wilma Elizabeth (2 October 1931)
  210. Lawson, Wilma Elizabeth (2 October 1931)
  211. Butler, John Noble "Johnny" (2 October 1931)
  212. Lunceford, Charles Wayne (10 June 1933 Death)
  213. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth "Sallie" (7 December 1933 Death)
  214. Carneal, Mary Margaret Matilda (17 March 1934 Death)
  215. Family of Watkins, James T. and Dempewolf, Elizabeth "Lizzie" (1 November 1936)
  216. Watkins, James T. (1 November 1936)
  217. Dempewolf, Elizabeth "Lizzie" (1 November 1936)
  218. Ashlock, Mary Elizabeth (10 January 1938 Death)
  219. Mcgee, O'Kelley Davis (14 December 1939 Death)
  220. Crawford, Mary Francis (10 December 1954 Death)
  221. Mead, Nannie Florence (12 February 1959 Death)