Family of Cloud, William Henry and Neill, Phoebe Larue


Married Husband Cloud, William Henry ( * 1837 + July 1902 )
Married Wife Neill, Phoebe Larue ( * 16 July 1849 + 20 August 1926 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1866     1a 1b 2a
Marriage 1866     1c 2b
Name Birth Date Death Date
Cloud, Charles Albert4 March 186913 September 1933
Cloud, Leslie Lee18 February 187113 February 1942
Cloud, Clarence C.31 August 187225 October 1927
Cloud, Anna Bell29 September 18763 March 1935
Cloud, William Henry23 April 18788 May 1939
Cloud, Henry D.2 October 188018 October 1954
Cloud, Thomas Louis21 July 188427 January 1955
Cloud, James PercyNovember 18841907

Source References

  1. 1900 United States Federal Census
  2. Yates Publishing: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900