Family of Goodbar, Joseph and Masters, Nancy Goodman


Married Husband Goodbar, Joseph ( * 3 January 1785 + 9 December 1859 )
Married Wife Masters, Nancy Goodman ( * 25 August 1788 + 27 October 1855 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 13 September 1808 Overton County, Tennessee    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Goodbar, William Pearman29 May 181024 October 1878
Goodbar, Sarah Duncan26 April 18123 March 1850
Goodbar, Hillary Masters26 February 181424 July 1843
Goodbar, James Madison23 August 18162 February 1905
Goodbar, Mary Coe1 March 181921 November 1895
Goodbar, Julia Ann Ford16 August 182110 February 1894
Goodbar, Emily Wakefield26 March 182430 June 1898
Goodbar, Andrew Jackson6 August 182610 July 1899
Goodbar, Joseph Lafayette12 April 18291880
Goodbar, Jessie Franklin11 June 183122 September 1918
Goodbar, Thomas Porter24 August 183424 May 1910