Family of Rogers, William Capt. and McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander


Married Husband Rogers, William Capt. ( * 1750 + 1819 )
Married Wife McNeeley, Eleanor Ellander ( * 1759 + March 1845 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1770 Orange, North Carolina    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Rogers, Mary Polly1766December 1851
Rogers, Eleanor17721849
Rogers, Jennet Jane1 January 177525 April 1843
Rogers, James Edward PelegJune 1776February 1852
Rogers, William14 December 177725 May 1848
Rogers, Netty1778
Rogers, Margaret Ann “Peggy”17791850
Rogers, John17851865
Rogers, Anne Barbara2 March 17943 October 1852