Family of Hopping, Gideon Jerry and Husted, Mary Amarilla


Married Husband Hopping, Gideon Jerry ( * 26 January 1823 + 15 July 1908 )
Married Wife Husted, Mary Amarilla ( * 29 March 1829 + 3 September 1894 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 22 April 1849 Fulton, Illinois, United States   1 1 2a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hopping, Phoebe28 January 185015 January 1931
Hopping, Silas Gideon18 September 185224 July 1931
Hopping, Joseph Weaver14 November 185610 November 1937
Hopping, James Oliver7 November 185915 December 1939
Hopping, Sarah Jane30 October 186120 December 1940
Hopping, Charles A.7 October 18621 April 1925
Hopping, John William22 August 186424 May 1930
Hoppings, DanielSeptember 186719 March 1946
Hopping, Mary Ellenabout 186915 February 1934
Hoppings, Peter G.1 May 187131 July 1905

Source References

  1. Illinois, Marriage Index, 1860-1920
  2. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records
      • Page: Birth year: 1829; Birth city: Holmes Co; Birth state: OH