Family of Huber, Frank George and Petersen, Ella M.


Married Husband Huber, Frank George ( * 11 March 1898 + 26 December 1971 )
Married Wife Petersen, Ella M. ( * 2 June 1908 + 28 April 1970 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 24 December 1926     1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Huber, Jennette Marie30 December 192729 January 2004
Huber, Corrine Francis “Bugs”7 March 193015 August 2018
Huber, Lowell Homer “Mac”7 February 193229 January 2000
Huber, Norma Jean28 November 193415 November 2010
Huber, Frank Jr.10 April 193611 May 2016

Source References

  1. Bible of Amanda Borup Huber
      • Source text:

        The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations dili-gently compared and revised. The text conformable to that of the edition of 1611, commonly known as the Authorized or King James'Äô version. Philadelphia, A. J. Holman Company [c1940].