Family of Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble and Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora


Married Husband Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble ( * 11 November 1155 + 6 October 1214 )
Married Wife Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora ( * 13 October 1162 + 31 October 1214 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 22 September 1177 Burgos, Burgos, Castilla-Leon, Spain,   1a 1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Castile, Constance of1179
Alfonsez Plantagenet, Berengaria of Castille1 January 11808 November 1246
Castile, Sancha20 March 11823 February 1184
Castile, Henry11841184
Blanca, Castille4 March 118627 November 1252
Alfonsez, Urraca Princess of Castile28 May 11873 November 1220
Castile, Blanca Alphonsa De23 May 118827 November 1252
Castile, Ferdinand29 November 118914 October 1209
Castile, Matilda11921204

Source References

  1. Heritage Consulting: Millennium File