Family of Vandewalle, Charles and Campeliore, Amelia


Married Husband Vandewalle, Charles ( * 14 July 1832 + 10 December 1892 )
Married Wife Campeliore, Amelia ( * 31 January 1842 + 11 July 1910 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1862      
Name Birth Date Death Date
Vandewalle, Augustabout 18641926
Vandewalle, Minieabout 18671867
Vandewalle, Dellaabout 186921 February 1957
Van De Walle, Joseph18 April 18734 April 1914
Vandewalle, Bruno11 July 18762 February 1933
Vandewalle, Frankabout 187921 March 1962
VanDeWalle, John Bernard2 March 188421 September 1962