Family of Stone, William and Taylor, Frances


Married Husband Stone, William ( * October 1710 + 5 September 1777 )
Married Wife Taylor, Frances ( * 26 January 1716 + 5 June 1792 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1733 Henry, Virginia   1a 1b
Name Birth Date Death Date
Stone, William17316 February 1782
Stone, Eucebious17321825
Stone, Caleb27 January 173423 April 1810
Stone, Elizabeth18 May 1736September 1777
Stone, Tabitha174010 October 1809
Stone, Elijah174013 April 1813
Stone, Thomas17411781
Stone, Hezekiah17431821
Stone, Marvel17501810

Source References

  1. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records