Family of Gifford, Annaniah and Wardle, Phoebe Ann


Married Husband Gifford, Annaniah ( * 8 October 1773 + 9 January 1854 )
Married Wife Wardle, Phoebe Ann ( * 1779 + 1839 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1 October 1798 Shrewsbury, Monmouth, NJ    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Gifford, John7 July 179920 February 1871
Gifford, James W.18011853
Gifford, Freelove18041853
Gifford, Solomon Ward9 March 18061 November 1894
Gifford, Sarah181024 October 1862
Gifford, Noah181215 March 1874
Gifford, Mary A.1812February 1869
Gifford, Manly8 September 181621 March 1889
Gifford, Ward S.18181819
Gifford, Clark1819before 1930
Gifford, Phebe Ann18251920
Gifford, Laura1833