Family of Forgey, John Thomas and Pickering, Margaret Isabell


Married Husband Forgey, John Thomas ( * 30 April 1862 + 29 September 1935 )
Married Wife Pickering, Margaret Isabell ( * 6 January 1868 + 20 November 1961 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 5 August 1883 Polk, Polk, Missouri, United States   1a 2a 1b 2b
Name Birth Date Death Date
Forgey, Alonzo Marion1 July 1885October 1979
Forgey, Homer Conway27 August 18906 June 1919
Forgey, Grace LeotaMarch 18941981
Forgey, George Nelson “Doc”12 August 189729 December 1977
Forgey, Jessie May24 July 19012 January 1906

Source References

  1. 1900 United States Federal Census
  2. Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
      • Page: Missouri State Archives; Jefferson City, MO, USA
      • Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
      • Page: Missouri State Archives; Jefferson City, MO, USA
      • Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002