Family of Van Note, William and Brouwer, Magdalena


Married Husband Van Note, William ( * 16 May 1690 + 10 April 1772 )
Married Wife Brouwer, Magdalena ( * 8 March 1704 + 30 March 1772 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 24 February 1719 Brooklyn Kings County, NY   1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Van Note, Thomas1720December 1777
Van Note, John1721December 1777
Van Note, Mary172514 October 1829
Van Note, Abraham1730December 1777
Van Note, Levi17401797
Van Note, Peter17424 October 1777
Van Note, Rosina “Rozi Ann”174510 September 1782
Van Note, Neleey (Neltje)13 June 174814 October 1829
Van Note, Jacob1749
Van Note, William1750

Source References

  1. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records