Family of Davies, Charles Neely and Matson, Hannah


Married Husband Davies, Charles Neely ( * 27 April 1706 + 13 May 1809 )
Married Wife Matson, Hannah ( * 1 May 1710 + 25 October 1812 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 9 February 1732 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States   1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 2b 4b 2c 2d 3b 2e 2f 4c 4d 2g 4e 4f 4g 6 4h
Name Birth Date Death Date
Davies, Thomas16 January 173410 October 1789
Davis, Sarah14 April 17342 February 1813
Davis, John Matson28 September 173521 November 1806
Davies, Elizabeth17431800
Davies, Hannah14 May 174428 August 1829
Davies, Ruth1745February 1822
Davies, Lydia1749
Davies, Thamer11 April 174925 August 1829
Davies, Mary “Mollie”1750February 1822
Davies, Abigail14 May 17511798

Source References

  1. Yates Publishing: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
      • Page: Source number: 61.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RGY
  2. Yates Publishing: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
  3. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records
  4. U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Certificates of Removal (Received), 1683-1730; Collection: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes; Call Number: MR-Ph 530
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Index, 1709-1749; Collection: Quaker Meeting Records; Call Number: MR Ph:537
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Minutes, 1606-1869; Collection: Quaker Meeting Records; Call Number: MR Ph:537
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Marriages, Births, and Burial Certificates, 1684-1729; Collection: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes; Call Number: MR-Ph 533
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Marriages, Births, and Burial Certificates, 1684-1729; Collection: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes; Call Number: MR-Ph 533
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Certificates of Removal (Received), 1683-1730; Collection: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes; Call Number: MR-Ph 530
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Index, 1709-1749; Collection: Quaker Meeting Records; Call Number: MR Ph:537
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
      • Page: Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Minutes, 1606-1869; Collection: Quaker Meeting Records; Call Number: MR Ph:537
      • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994
  5. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Marriages
  6. Heritage Consulting: Millennium File