Family of Fanning, Clinton Nathaniel and Lamphear, Olive S.


Married Husband Fanning, Clinton Nathaniel ( * 1 September 1833 + 7 June 1907 )
Married Wife Lamphear, Olive S. ( * 22 October 1836 + 18 July 1899 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1856 St Lawrence, New York, United States    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Fanning, Eliza Samantha13 September 18577 October 1940
Fanning, Lewis Elmer11 July 185917 June 1936
Fanning, Charles ErwinJune 186122 April 1907
Fanning, Edson Ellsworth23 January 18636 January 1936
Fanning, Franklyn Ernest23 July 186928 May 1934
Fanning, Lucy E.27 September 187327 September 1894
Fanning, John W.about 187516 August 1894
Fanning, Mary E.24 January 18797 October 1894