Family of Sizemore, George Edward (Ned) All Chief and Hart, Aruna "Annie" Elizabeth


Married Husband Sizemore, George Edward (Ned) All Chief ( * 1750 + 13 July 1822 )
Married Wife Hart, Aruna “Annie” Elizabeth ( * 3 February 1751 + 14 July 1814 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1766 Halifax or Ashe, North Carolina    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Begley, Winifred Minerva (Winnie)177220 September 1855
Sizemore, Edward177827 November 1855
Sizemore, George Goldenhawk17836 May 1864
Sizemore, Susan17841862
Sizemore, Rhoda17891825
Sizemore, Henry Hunting Shirt1790