Family of Huber, George Frederick and Borup, Amanda Anna


Married Husband Huber, George Frederick ( * 7 September 1865 + 23 December 1940 )
Married Wife Borup, Amanda Anna ( * 7 November 1869 + 13 January 1944 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 10 May 1894 Blair, Washington County, Nebraska    
Marriage 10 May 1894 Blair, Washington County, Nebraska   1a 2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Huber, Fred Nels6 February 189524 October 1896
Huber, Pauline Catherine29 September 189626 June 1969
Huber, Frank George11 March 189826 December 1971
Huber, Mary Mabel10 March 19002 February 1987
Huber, Bertha Louise29 December 190123 October 1973
Huber, Clark James27 August 19044 May 1965
Huber, Edna Grace10 November 190618 June 1984
Huber, Walter Glenn24 December 190825 February 1991
Huber, Bernice Nellie15 July 191123 July 2003

Source References

  1. Bible of Amanda Borup Huber
      • Source text:

        The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. The text conformable to that of the edition of 1611, commonly known as the Authorized or King James'Äô version. Philadelphia, A. J. Holman Company [c1940].

  2. Unknown