Date | 11 November 1717 |
Place | Prince George’s County, Maryland |
Source References
Will of (Maj) Josiah Wilson
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In the name of God, amen. I Josiah Wilson of Prince George County in the Province of Maryland Gent., being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, praise be God, and calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertaintyof the time when I do make this my last will and testiment, revoking and annuling all former wills by me heretofore made Item: I give and commit my soul unto almighty God, my savior and redeemer in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ . . . andbelieve assuredly to be saved and my body to be buried in such place as it shall please my executor, hereafter named, to appoint, and now for the settling my temporal estate and such goods, chattels and debts as it as pleased God to bestow on me,I give and bequeath in manner following:
Item: I give to my loving brother, William Kid, all that part of a tract of land called Refuge containing 24 acres and also all that parcel of land called Kid's Level adjoining to the aforesaid land containing 84 acres and also a tract of land called Island Plains adjoining to the aforesaid Kid's Level 59 acres with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging I give to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Josiah Wilson all that tract of land lying in Baltimore County on the east side of a river called Bush River and on the west side of a branch of said river called Bimmd Brawl . . . which said land is called Ozburn's Lot . . . and also the one part of a tract of land called Buttington, containing by patent in the whole 380 acres and also three lots in Marlborough Town, one being part of one of the southernmost lots of the marketplace, also a lot line on theeast side of Mr. William Asado lot as also a lot on the south side of the meeting house lot to him and his heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Lingan Wilson all that tract of land called Lingen's Adventure lying in Baltimore Countyon the south side of Gunpowder containing 500 acres and also a tract of land called Backlingen in the county aforesaid 450 acres to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my son James Wilson all that tract of land lying at the head of Hunting Creek called the Ridge, containing 200 acres and also a parcel of land called the Angles lying at the head of the said creek containing 90 acres and also a parcel of land called George's Desire containing 20 acres and also a parcel of land called Addition lying on the south side of the aforesaid land called the Ridge containing 42 acres, as also a slip of land lying in the city of Annapolis being part of a lot sold to a certain Patrick Ogilby containing 71 foot in breadth and for length with the said lot running to the old . . . before the said Ogilby's door; also one lot of land and house lying in Mount Calvert in Prince George County formerly taken up and built on by Henry Boteler, also one . . . lot and house in Mount Calvert aforesaid which I formerly purchased of Christopher Beane, now deceased, and also my warehouse down by the waterside at Mount Calvert and also one tankard of silver to be sent for of the value of 10 pounds on which this inscription: The gift of I. H. to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my loving son Joseph Wilson all that plantation lying on the south side of the west bank of Puttexent River and on the north side of a branch called Charles Creek with the appurtenances thereunto belonging called or known by the name of Cochald's Point, containing by estimate 150 acres more or less, and also a parcel of land adjoining to the said plantation called Cochald's Point called Bean's Landing containing about 20 acres more or less and also one tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging being part of the said land called Beane's Landing containing 43 acres more or less and also 100 acres of land called Brook's Hall lying on the north side of Charles Branch in Prince George County with all and singular the appurtenances thereon standing and belonging together with one parcel of land adjoining to the aforesaid land called Brooke Hall with all and singular the appurtenances thereon standing and called King's Sale containing 200 acres of land more or less to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my loving son Joshua Wilson all my tract and parcel of land and houses lying in Mount Calvert in Prince George County which I formerly purchased of a certain Thomas Thomas containing 247 acres more or less and also oneother plantation which I formerly purchased of a certain John Deakins being part of Mount Calvert Manor containing 132 acres more or less together with a parcel of land I purchased of Christopher Bean lying on the south side of Charles Branch aforesaid containing 18 acres more or less to his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Martha Wilson a tract of land lying in Charles County called and known by the name of Indian Giant Sepulchre containing 206 acres more or less which I formerly purchased of Walter Soams and also all my wife's wearing apparel except one black furbelow scarf which I give to Mrs. Catherine Boteler, also I give and bequeath to my said daughter all my four gold rings and one silver tankard, one large silver salver to her and her heirs forever. AlsoIgive and bequeath to my three sons Josiah, Lingen and James Wilson, 18 silver spoons to be equally divided between them. Also I give to my loving son Joseph Wilson a silver cann and one silver salt Also I give and bequeath to my loving son Joshuaone silver cann and one silver salt And I give to my son Josiah a large silver punch spoon
Item: I give and bequeath to my six children, Josiah, Lingen, James, Joseph, Joshua and Martha Wilson, all my Negroes with their issue to be equally divided between them as they shall reach the age of 16 years, the first division to be made when myson Lingen comes to the age of 16 years, my said son Josiah to have the first choice after the division is made and then my son Lingen and . . .
I hereby desire the justices of Prince George County Court to see an equal division is made as aforesaid together with Mr. Edward Boteler and Mr. Thomas Lingen in Calvert County to assist at the division aforesaid. Also my will is that if either ofmy five sons, Josiah, Lingen, James, Joseph and Joshua, shall happen to die before they legally attain the age of 18 years that then that part of the division of my estate to be equally divided amongst all the surviving children by the then justices of Prince George County and Mr. Edward Boteler and Mr. Thomas Lingen, and my will further that my daughter Martha may have the disposing of her estate at the age of 16 years and all my household goods of what nature or kind whatsoever to be equally divided as aforesaid and that all goods, wares and merchandise, both wet and dry, be appraised and applied to the use of the estate as aforesaid and also that my executor hereafter named to be . . . maintain my children at school and provide acompetent support for them till they lawfully assume the age aforesaid, and that all and singular the . . . Negroes hereby bequeathed be kept on the . . . plantation by my already settled thereto work and their . . . crop to be disposed of towardthesupport and maintenance of my children till they lawfully come of age as aforesaid and that my hereunto Walter Thompson, John Hoskins, John Smith, Iziah Bennett and George Hobbe be kept on as disposed by my executor hereafter named for their own proper use and benefit till the said shall come free from their time of servitude.
And lastly I do hereby name . . . of this my last will and testament revoking all former wills, etc., etc., 11th day of November A.D. 1717.
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