
Date 25 May 1727
Place Farnham, Richmond, Virginia, United States

Source References

  1. Dodd, Jordan: Virginia Marriages to 1800 [database on-line]
      • Page: Marriage of Edward Morris to Elizabeth Hammond
      • Source text:

        Spouse 1: Hammond, Elizabeth
        Spouse 2: Morris, Edward
        Marriage Date: 25 May 1727
        Marriage Location: Virginia
        Richmond County

  2. Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
      • Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
      • Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
  3. Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940
  4. Dodd, Jordan: Virginia, Marriages, 1660-1800